Spinnaker Quilt

This is the last quilt I had on the machine before Christmas, a Christmas gift for my dad.


Spinnaker Quilt on machine

The design is a rounded rectangle edge to edge panto.

Spinnaker Quilt detail 2


I quilted it with putty (beige) So Fine #50 thread.  It was a good neutral color for a quilt with so many colors.


Spinnaker Quilt detail

I also machine sewed the binding on to the front of this quilt – saving tons of time!

Spinnaker Quilt binding


This is the back of this quilt.  The back was pieced, and there is linen in both the back and front, but it quilted up very nicely.

Spinnaker Quilt back


Here is the completed quilt – so pretty!

Spinnaker Quilt front


It was wonderful to end the year on this note 🙂


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